Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Body Positivity Wins!

What happy dish names!  I feel delicious and fantastic today.

Some recent body positivity things that have made me happy.

  1. When I did the Wason Pond Pounder, I came across a dad yelling, "Lucas!"  I said hello, and he told me that he was waiting for his son.  Cool.  We were walking towards our next obstacle, a water crossing, and I saw Lucas emerge from the woods.  Note to self: Pack bug spray.  Mosquitos are greedy.  The man was telling Lucas to hurry up, and Lucas said, "I'm 10."  I yelled back, "Your race.  Your pace."  The dad said thanks and that he's going to try and remember that.  It was nice to see the dad calming down and letting his son have fun.  
  2. I'm working with three other women on an anthology of writings, interviews, and art by fat folks involved in sports and fitness.  Here's the website: https://fatfitnessanthology.wordpress.com
  3. Yesterday in the supermarket I was looking for sweet potatoes and came across carrot and celery sticks.  Usually I buy celery sticks with the intention of eating them, but yesterday, I said "You don't really like celery sticks (at least not today), so don't buy them."  Having permission to not buy them was a great act of self-love.  
  4. This interview came out a year ago:  http://www.greenemultisport.com/201469courtney-marshall-breaking-the-mold/  I still like what I said there about movement coming from a place of love and acceptance.
  5. Queen Bey made an announcement about being vegan, and while I'm over it not being about a tour or some new music, I'm glad I get to keep my money in my pocket.  I'm not sure how this relates to body positivity, but hey, I'm happy!

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